M6P #28: The Top 5!

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And Now for the Top 10 Top5!


Have you ever wondered who would be the best leader of the X-Men?  Have you ever wondered what the worst X-Men stories are?  Have you ever…Have you ever?  Well you can stop your wondering.  That’s right!  Now Jarid and Andy come at you full force (well, maybe not full force because it’s late, and I’m tired and I just may not care anymore…)–like I was saying:  FULL FORCE.

Coming at you with our Top 5!  Sure there are 10 of them…so Top 10 Top 5!  This could get a little hairy, but we are all over it.  Of course with the help of our fearless sponsor: DCBService.com.  With our commentary, our prowess, and our distinct AWESOMENESS (and their 40% off) we will tell you what you need to know.  To live, to survive, to read.  Enjoy!! (DO IT!  Enjoy it… or else!)

Until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!


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