If It Was A Movie…Spider-Man Part 2
By Adam Lee As stated in the first article, Sony and Marvel have joined forces for a Spider-Man movie! We don’t have a ton of details on the story line, so I went ahead and put together my take on … Continued
By Adam Lee As stated in the first article, Sony and Marvel have joined forces for a Spider-Man movie! We don’t have a ton of details on the story line, so I went ahead and put together my take on … Continued
By Adam Lee So typically for this column we take a comic book series and decide what actors should play the characters! Who would play a good Darkhawk, Firestar, and Night Thrasher in a New Warriors movie? We answer questions … Continued
The Exiles was a fun read! It took some random alternate versions of various X-Men and Marvel characters and threw them into crazy adventures throughout alternate timelines! It was funny! It was serious! It was an excellent read! If you … Continued
This is a particular edition of both the IIWAMs and Casting With Kang because today I’m being particularly self-serving. Generally I’m somewhat self-serving and not really concerned with other’s opinions, but today even more so. I’m taking a hodgepodge of … Continued
We’re switching it up here and doing an extra special edition of IIWAMs because I read somewhere that controversy gets people involved. Here is my Avengers vs X-Men fan casting with a controversial gender swapping of each character! Really though, … Continued
With the repeated failure of the Fantastic Four movies it is inevitable whether Fox retains the rights or finally sells them off to Marvel that we will be seeing an eventual reboot again. With this in mind, I give you … Continued
I’m setting this film up as a spin-off from the Avengers franchise so several actors will stay the same. However, I think it may be time to recast a few, so they’re not all the same. This follows the basic … Continued
The latest Hawkeye series by Matt Fraction is not only a great street-level hero series, but also a surprise hit among fans. With all of the claim it’s received, I think it should be considered for either its own movie … Continued