M6P #29: Do You Want to Do This Podcast Alone

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How can you be so narrow-minded?


Thank goodness for our sponsorship (Discount Comic Book Service, DCBService.com) because without their 40% off regular issues I think we would have called it quits this go round.  I just mean, PLEASE, that Jarid guy is soooo stubborn with his smug little responses to my Tina guesses, and the way he talks about how he could write Age of X way better, and how he doesn’t have to take a shower because he wakes up smelling clean.

GRRR!!!  It makes me so angry!  So I am giving Fear Itself a chance…So I like the concept behind Onslaught Unleashed…So I think Age of X isn’t that bad–Call me Mr. Positive.  But really, what can you do?  It’s not like can turn to our beautiful wives to discuss these things. (I mean, let’s face it…if they knew how geeky we truly are, they would never speak to us again.)  Well, I guess all we can do is stick with the show.  I mean, it’s not really that bad, right?  It’s not like he said I was a wuss for not liking to fly…WHAT?!?!?


Until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!


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