Trippin’ it in Chicago
Seriously, just skip this episode. I don’t even know why we’re putting it out. Jarid is forcing
me to do this. The guy’s a taskmaster…not the cool one that just bit it in Secret Avengers…before the reboot. No, not that one. Jarid is the kind of guy that forces his best friend to drive 14 hours from Louisiana to Ohio and then forces him to drive another 11 hours to and from Chicago, quizzing him about Spider-Man lore all along the way, just to get in front of a camera to tell a little bit about how Spider-Man has touched our lives…only in the superficial sense though. NO REAL EMOTIONS ALLOWED!! That’s right! You heard me, NO EMOTIONS! I HATE YOU, SPIDEY!!!….notreallyItakeitbackDon’thatemeforeverSpider-ManYoubastianofallthatisgood!
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So until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics.