M6P #65: Andy’s Fail

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M6P #65: Andy's Fail

It’s a Faulty Premise

There comes a time in almost everyone’s life where we just have to stop pretending. We always seem to put on our best socks and smile to meet that special someone’s parents…but that doesn’t change how smelly our feet and unsightly our dead tooth really is. Well, today, you will witness one of those times. It’s not a flattering time for our co-host Andy. In fact it is shameful. To the point where Jarid apologizes for how badly Andy performed on this episode. I don’t want to totally spoil it for you, yet the sweet sweet victory that Jarid experiences will make even Mr. Fear shiver down to his toes. Goodnight sweet prince!

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And remember, until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

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