Marvel News Roundup April 22, 2015

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Lots of bits and pieces today from Marvel! Here’s just a few:Marvel_Universe_Ultimate_Spider-Man_Promo


An animated Spider-Man movie is headed our way! Just announced today, an animated Spider-Man movie will be made by the same team through brought us Lego Movie! The movie will take place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and be released July 20, 2018.


The Wrap is reporting that the list of guys to play the un-animated version of Spider-Man has been narrowed to 5.  The names in contention are:Nat Wolff, Liam James, Tom Holland, Timothee Chalamet, and Asa Butterfield. They also put together this nice picture of the guys – who do you think would be a good Spider-Man?spider-man-shortlist


iceman1Iceman has be revealed as gay. Younger Bobby Drake (after being mind read by younger Jean Grey) was revealed to have been keeping this information to himself and not wanting to let it out. However, Jean Grey decided it needed to be revealed. It was also stated during their conversation that adult Iceman is also gay and has been in hiding all along. What say you Body Politic?

In bigger news, Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde are getting hitched! Hopefully this wedding comes soon, because time is running out! Star-Lord popped the question to Shadowcat and she said yes. Interesting…4522406-1