Yeah, but why? Why is Logan such an old man? Is he really 92? Or do those books have nothing to do with each other? I’m confused. That girl in the issue that looks like a mix between Deadpool and Elektra…? Who was that? I think that there is a lot going on in the Marvel Universe (Prime U, if you will) that I do not quite understand. What if…just bear with me now…what IF Captain America is really some sort of deep, deep cover spy for Hydra. What if there was a duck that was a detective? What if there was a girl that was basically a large, person-sized squirrel? What if Iron Man was an A.I. and basically a girl. What if there’s this girl that takes on the role of Ms. Marvel–you know, the one with the bad costume. No, the little girl wouldn’t have that costume! That’s ridiculous! This girl needs something like a smock because she can get all stretchy and bendy. Exactly! Like Mr. Fantastic. He is just so fantastic, they needed to turn him into a little girl that could be Ms. Marvel. That’s what I call killing two birds with one smock! I feel like these are good stories. That, and the fact that I’m bringing back Gwen. But get this: she’s a maniac assassin/mercenary with a cool two-toned costume.