Yea! More statistics! Here is a list of the highest sold marvel comics (at least as far back as the data was available for me to determine). Here is also a list of some comics which are probably not worth anything. Yea! Market saturation!
10 – Rocket Raccoon (2014) #1 (311,000 copies)
Whiles sales would’ve been high right off the heels of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and with fan favorite creator Skottie Young, they were most likely almost doubled thanks to the subscription service Loot Crate. If there was a list of percent decline in sales on a second issue, this series would most likely be #1 on that list.
9 – Captain America (2007) #25 (318,000 copies)
This was the death of Captain America. He got better, but his sales never really did.
8 – Civil War (2006) #2 (342,000 copies)
With the huge praise for issue one and the lack of “event-fatigue” (I’m not sure if that’s a thing, but I’m not sure “restless-leg syndrome” is either), this issue with an all-star collaborative team became one of the highest selling event issues in Marvel history (or at least as far as my tertiary research has found).
7 – The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) No. 583 (530,000 copies)
Seems like a random issue at first to have on this list until you realize this is the infamous and controversial “Obama” cover. So not only is this a high selling issue, but also one predominately sold based entirely on a variant cover.
6 – The Amazing Spider-Man (2014) No. 1 (533,000 copies)
After 31 issues of Spider-Man being controlled by the soul of Doc Ock, this was a return to the Peter Parker we all knew and loved (or at least we thought it was a return to that).
5 – Fantastic Four (1998) No. 60 (752,000 copies)
One of the best ways to increase sales of an issue is to drop the price. This issue did just that with a 9 cent cover price. It is also the least profitable on this list.
4 – Star Wars (2015) No. 1 (985,000 copies)
Star Wars is awesome and this latest series is better than anything the prequels had to offer. This issue’s sales really harken back to the early 90’s as nothing has come remotely this close in sales since that time. It is an impressive feat for an issue especially at $4.
3 – Spider-Man (1990) No. 1 (2.5 Million copies)
This was the classic start of Todd MacFarlane’s stint as the adjective-less Spidey’s writer and artist fresh off his sting as the Amazing Spider-Man’s artist.
2 – X-Force (1992) No. 1 (5 Million copies)
At one point in time huge muscles, tiny hands, tons of pouches, unimaginably skinny feet, and remarkably high cheek bones was all it took to sell comics. Here is your prime example.
1 – X-Men (1991) No. 1 (7.1 Million copies)
If you have a comic collection and do not have this issue as part of it, something is wrong with you. Why? Because it is a good read and you can probably buy it for a penny at your LCS. That’s market saturation for you.
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