By Andy Kirby
We put the P in Politics!
There are a lot of times that this comic book podcast delves into the realm of the politics. “Hey, what do you expect? The P stands for Politics.” Yes, yes, I know. But what you may not know is that a lot of our listeners thrive on this stuff and crave the more social and political aspects of our podcast. “I already know that, moron. Wasn’t your show founded on relating comics to the cultural and socio-economic events of our present time?” You could say that. But we also talk about family and God and country and pools and ice cream and flying and the Infinity Formula as well as other very important issues like love and children and friendship and killing little, cute bunnies in the most humane way possible. “What are you trying to tell me, here?” What I’m trying to say is that sometimes there is more to life than just comics. “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SURELY YOU JEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” No, I’m quite serious right now. “Ize cutchoo holmes!!!” OUCH!!! Get off of me! Stop biting my neck! What’s the matter with you? “I’m sorry, I just get a little peaved when people tell me what my life should consist of and what is important and what comic characters should be changed into girls!” Well, buckle in, mister, while I grab some gauze and a neckbrace, because your world is about to be ROCKED!
Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com. Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40% off cover price. They even have specials and clearance issues for up to 70% off! And don’t forget their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping. We are also sponsored by Community Retail Partnership. Sign up to get discounts on all your Office Depot supplies. It’s like a Sam’s Club card for Office Depot! Go to crpsavings.com and sign up today for a lifetime membership! Moreover, our third sponsor is michaelwebsolutions.com. Do you need web solutions? Call Michael!!!
And remember, until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!
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