M6P #72: Salvage Andy Kirby
Right Next to the Wine Warehouse Soooooo…I always come on here every time we put an episode out and just write whatever comes to mind and then try to link it to the show somehow. This little excerpt of … Continued
Right Next to the Wine Warehouse Soooooo…I always come on here every time we put an episode out and just write whatever comes to mind and then try to link it to the show somehow. This little excerpt of … Continued
By Andy Kirby We put the P in Politics! There are a lot of times that this comic book podcast delves into the realm of the politics. “Hey, what do you expect? The P stands for Politics.” Yes, yes, I … Continued
By Andy Kirby We all have them I can honestly say that I’m discouraged. I mean it. I’m saddened by the state of affairs that I have witnessed and speculate to witness in the near and long-term future of … Continued
By Andy Kirby The thighs of an Elephant Jarid and I talk often about our physical health, and why shouldn’t we? It’s good to be healthy. But it’s not good to be obsessed about your weight. I mean, it’s … Continued
I had no idea! The connection that we have to these fictional characters runs deep. Our love and world is shaped by the interaction that we have for them and how we dream our dreams built on the inspiration they provide……wait, what? … Continued