M6P #76: Christmas Snippet

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Merry Christmas!

What does Christmas mean to you?  Is it a time where you can get together with your extended Axis of Evil and make merry with your new ‘Brotherhood?’  Or is it a nightmarish countdown to that dreaded family visit when Time Runs Out?  Sometimes I know that I feel like I’m caught in what you might consider a web of lies and dispair.  “No, no…I didn’t forget about you.  I just got caught up with all the yule tide and the fudge and the egg nog and the cakey treats of Christmassy goodness……..yes, I forgot about you.”  Sometimes I find myself in so many webs of lies that it would be like a spidery mess of the universe–a Spider-verse, if you will.  (Was that one too much?  I can never tell.)

Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors.  We are sponsored by DCBService.com.  Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40% off cover price.  They even have specials and clearance issues for up to 70% off!  And don’t forget their sister site, InStockTrades.com.  All orders over $50 are free shipping.  We are also sponsored by Community Retail Partnership.  Sign up to get discounts on all your Office Depot supplies.  It’s like a Sam’s Club card for Office Depot!  Go to crpsavings.com and sign up today for a lifetime membership!  Moreover, our third sponsor is michaelwebsolutions.com.  Do you need web solutions?  Call Darrin!!!

And remember, until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

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