Phased Out: Who Is Asking For This? Episode #130

*Editor’s note, Jarid is an idiot and just realized he never posted this. He has been severely reprimanded. This was recorded AWHILE ago…   There comes a time in everyone’s life where they have to reassess and figure out if … Continued

Empyre Salad: I Thought We Were Supposed To Save The Planet? Episode #127

Has it really come to this?  I gotta say, I wasn’t ever expecting this type of conundrum during my lifetime.  Growing up, I always heard that we have to be kind to Mother Nature and that we really should make … Continued

Coronavirus in Africa: Where is Colossus When You Need Him? Episode #126

This is a PUBIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT to everyone listening. (And reading.)  What? (Everyone listening to our podcast, but also everyone reading what you have typed here.) Listen, man, this is not the time to correct me, alright?  I’m trying to … Continued

Almost the War of Realms: We Nearly Came to Blows! Episode #122

Maybe you were just cranky.  Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep.  (I don’t know, man.  I just didn’t like it.)  I know, I know.  But really that’s no reason for you to take it out on me.  So we didn’t … Continued

We’re In The Endgame Now: Oh The Tears! Episode #121

There’s been a lot of talk about this movie called “Endgame.”  I’ve heard it’s a big deal, but I’m not sure why exactly.  Why in the world would Marvel stop making movies?  I mean, aren’t they making money?  Why give … Continued

Andy Is A Feminist: And Probably A Jerk Too! Episode #120

You know, here at The M6P, we never really know what we will end up talking about.  We have a plan, but sometimes it just goes a little askew, if you know what I mean.  What we didn’t know going … Continued