616 Releases and Covers (05/20/2015)
MARVEL COMICS MAR150665 A-FORCE #1 SWA $3.99 MAR150697 AVENGERS WORLD #21 $3.99 FEB150782 DAREDEVIL #15.1 $4.99 MAR150644 DEADPOOLS SECRET SECRET WARS #1 SWA $4.99 MAR150736 DEATHLOK #8 $3.99 MAR150742 GUARDIANS OF GALAXY #27 $3.99 MAR150625 LOKI AGENT OF ASGARD #14 … Continued
616 Releases and Covers (04/29/2015)
MARVEL COMICS FEB150810 ALL NEW CAPTAIN AMERICA #6 $3.99 FEB150705 AVENGERS #44 TRO $4.99 FEB150780 DAREDEVIL #15 $3.99 FEB150796 FANTASTIC FOUR #645 $5.99 FEB150671 INHUMAN #14 $3.99 FEB150691 MAX RIDE FIRST FLIGHT #2 $3.99 FEB150813 MOON KNIGHT #14 $3.99 FEB150709 … Continued
616 Releases (03/25/2015)
I can’t help but admit that there’s a lot I’m looking forward to here! All the Black Vortex tie-ins are going to be golden (I know that’s debatable, so don’t judge me). Of course we are moving forward with Time … Continued
M6P #79: Raboom DOOM DOOM!
Got the Beat, Man! So now we all know. Yep, we all know that Doctor Doom is Rabum Alal. This is big news…I’m told. Bigger news than other things like the white knights, the black swans, the black priests, the … Continued