M6P #85: Ferly and the Name Game

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He does not look like a Francisco!

It’s that time again.  No, not that time.  It’s the time of the year where you have to pick out new names for your children?  Whether you settle on “Ferly” or “Tina” or “Mephibosheth”–is that how you spell that?  Is that really even a name?  I’m looking it up!  The point is, it’s choose better names for your kids week!  If you have past mistakes that you need to atone for due to the apparent drunken stupor of love that is having just watched your wife give birth  (there is way too much wrong with that statement), you can ease the pain by giving the gift of comfort to your children.  Nothing says, “I’m not sure I made the right decision about what sound plops out of my mouth when I need you to come here” like looking for a new and unrelated arrangement of letters.  Ah, letters:  the building blocks of society.  Don’t worry kids; it’s just our way of saying we care more about you now than we did then.  Or maybe it’s saying, “Hindsight is 20/20.”  Or, I don’t know, maybe it is saying that your previous choice was only a passing fad.

Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors.  We are sponsored by DCBService.com.  Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40% off cover price.  They even have specials and clearance issues for up to 70% off!  And don’t forget their sister site, InStockTrades.com.  All orders over $50 are free shipping.  We are also sponsored by Community Retail Partnership.  Sign up to get discounts on all your Office Depot supplies.  It’s like a Sam’s Club card for Office Depot!  Go to crpsavings.com and sign up today for a lifetime membership!  Moreover, our third sponsor is MichaelWebSolutions.com.  Do you need web solutions?  Call Darrin!!!

And remember, until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

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