616 Releases (04/15/2015)
‘Ello, ‘ello! What have we here? There’s not too much coming out this week that seems to jive with the lasting impacts we are craving. Sure, we got Superior Iron man…and that may come into play with what’s going on … Continued
616 Releases (03/25/2015)
I can’t help but admit that there’s a lot I’m looking forward to here! All the Black Vortex tie-ins are going to be golden (I know that’s debatable, so don’t judge me). Of course we are moving forward with Time … Continued
616 Releases (03/18/2015)
Surprisingly, Marvel has a lot of good stuff all stacked up on today’s releases. Magneto and Moon Knight by Cullen Bunn. That’s right! You read correctly! MOON KNIGHT is being written by Cullen Bunn!! We got two Black Vortex chapters … Continued