Phased Out: Who Is Asking For This? Episode #130

*Editor’s note, Jarid is an idiot and just realized he never posted this. He has been severely reprimanded. This was recorded AWHILE ago…   There comes a time in everyone’s life where they have to reassess and figure out if … Continued

Top 10 Tuesday: Plots We Want If Disney Purchases Fox Studios

Rumor abound online, whether editorials printed as facts, misleading and manipulated data, or just outright falsehoods. It was with trepidation we probably all read the report that Disney was looking to buy Fox Studios, the movie studio portion of the … Continued

Masters of the Guardians of the Galaxy: It’s Worse…It’s Much, Much Worse – Episode #105

Let’s be honest.  We didn’t watch the movie at all.  But we are pretty good guessers.  There’s really no need for us to spout off or wax eloquent about the film that can stand on its own two feet so … Continued

Top 10 Reasons To Get The Marvelous Box!

It’s Top 10 Tuesday and what better way to prepare for this quarter’s The Marvelous Box than to give you a Top 10 reasons to subscribe to The Marvelous Box!

616 Releases and Covers (07/01/2015)

posted in: 616 Covers, 616 Releases | 0

MARVEL COMICS APR150760 A-FORCE #2 SWA $3.99 APR150878 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #19.1 $3.99 APR150858 DARTH VADER #7 $3.99 APR150807 FUTURE IMPERFECT #2 SWA $3.99 MAY150720 GIANT SIZE LITTLE MARVEL AVX #2 SWA $3.99 MAY150787 GROOT #2 $3.99 MAY150791 GUARDIANS TEAM-UP #7 … Continued