Madripoor and Man Hair: Yeah, that’s a pretty good length. Episode #132

*Editor’s note, Jarid is still an idiot and found another podcast he didn’t post. And there are more coming. He’s now on probation. This was recorded in February. The bad news is that we never find the microphones for the … Continued

Phased Out: Who Is Asking For This? Episode #130

*Editor’s note, Jarid is an idiot and just realized he never posted this. He has been severely reprimanded. This was recorded AWHILE ago…   There comes a time in everyone’s life where they have to reassess and figure out if … Continued

Kamala Khan and the Booty Flaps: What are those things on her bottom? Episode #131 It’s taken us a while to find the laptops, the microphones–I don’t think we actually found those–find the duct tape and the glitter and the cosplay outfits with the black and the white and the booty flaps that … Continued

Sunkissed Yovos: You Crafty Fox! Episode #129

Sometimes you just run out of things to say.  Well…now is NOT one of those times.  (Oh, no.)  That’s right, we are back with a vengeance!  (Please don’t.)  And we are all dressed to kill, going to the Hellfire Gala. … Continued

Return of Wolverine, Exit of Cable: Did Cable Really Leave? Episode #117

Now wait, I know there’s a real Cable and a fake Cable. (No, they are both real.) Just hang with me, okay? There’s really no need to correct me here. Alright, there’s a real Cable and a fake Cable. Now … Continued

X-Men The Animated Series Interview – Episode #111

A Dream Come True! Holy cow! Can you even believe it? The writers of X-Men: The Animated Series granted lil’ ol’ us an interview!! Our childhood heroes talked TO US!! This is big folks! This is like Michael Jordan! This … Continued

Old Man Andy – The Tables Have Turned! Episode #103

Do you all remember how Andy was so vehemently against the Old Man Logan storyline by Mark Millar?  Do you remember the venom that he spat at that story for years now?  “How could it be in continuity?” he said.  … Continued

Top 10 Reasons To Get The Marvelous Box!

It’s Top 10 Tuesday and what better way to prepare for this quarter’s The Marvelous Box than to give you a Top 10 reasons to subscribe to The Marvelous Box!