We’re In The Endgame Now: Oh The Tears! Episode #121

There’s been a lot of talk about this movie called “Endgame.”  I’ve heard it’s a big deal, but I’m not sure why exactly.  Why in the world would Marvel stop making movies?  I mean, aren’t they making money?  Why give … Continued

Andy Is A Feminist: And Probably A Jerk Too! Episode #120

You know, here at The M6P, we never really know what we will end up talking about.  We have a plan, but sometimes it just goes a little askew, if you know what I mean.  What we didn’t know going … Continued

Pho Thanksgiving: Is this really how we are going to remember him? Episode #118

The world has truly had a big loss this past month.  But still we are called to a time of Thanksgiving.  We are grateful and thankful for the time that we have here on this planet with the greats.  Through … Continued

Events, Events, Events: Vox Is Just So Cool! Episode #116

Have you ever just loved a new character so much, you didn’t care if he was a good guy or a bad guy?  I mean, have you seen this Vox guy?  He’s amazing, right?  Sure the writing isn’t too hot, … Continued

Crypto Catchup – Episode #112

Riding this Wave!   Don’t get me wrong–I love doing the podcast.  Oh, it’s great.  But sometimes…just sometimes…our personal lives get in the way.  Kids, jobs, sickness, bitcoin, they all force us to take up valuable comic talk time to … Continued

X-Men The Animated Series Interview – Episode #111

A Dream Come True! Holy cow! Can you even believe it? The writers of X-Men: The Animated Series granted lil’ ol’ us an interview!! Our childhood heroes talked TO US!! This is big folks! This is like Michael Jordan! This … Continued

Thor Punishes the Cebulski – Episode #110

That’s Not Really True! Huge news!  Just huge!  That’s right.  Bendis has left Marvel never to return!  (We don’t know that.)  Thor, titled Thor 3 was the best movie in the universe!  (That’s not the title.)  Punisher is underwhelming and … Continued