Phased Out: Who Is Asking For This? Episode #130

*Editor’s note, Jarid is an idiot and just realized he never posted this. He has been severely reprimanded. This was recorded AWHILE ago…   There comes a time in everyone’s life where they have to reassess and figure out if … Continued

Kamala Khan and the Booty Flaps: What are those things on her bottom? Episode #131 It’s taken us a while to find the laptops, the microphones–I don’t think we actually found those–find the duct tape and the glitter and the cosplay outfits with the black and the white and the booty flaps that … Continued

We’re In The Endgame Now: Oh The Tears! Episode #121

There’s been a lot of talk about this movie called “Endgame.”  I’ve heard it’s a big deal, but I’m not sure why exactly.  Why in the world would Marvel stop making movies?  I mean, aren’t they making money?  Why give … Continued

Andy Is A Feminist: And Probably A Jerk Too! Episode #120

You know, here at The M6P, we never really know what we will end up talking about.  We have a plan, but sometimes it just goes a little askew, if you know what I mean.  What we didn’t know going … Continued

Infinity War: We Could Go On Forever – Episode #114

  My head is spinning. I can’t even get words together to form sentences right now. We watched the movie, we talked about the movie…but really…didn’t we just live the movie? Also…I think we are living it now and everyday … Continued