If It Was A Movie…Avengers Vs X-Men (Gender Bender Edition)

We’re switching it up here and doing an extra special edition of IIWAMs because I read somewhere that controversy gets people involved. Here is my Avengers vs X-Men fan casting with a controversial gender swapping of each character! Really though, … Continued

Top 10 Tuesday: Greatest Marvel Stories Of All Time

With over seventy-five years of history, and thousands upon thousands of stories, which Marvel story is the best of all time? It’s a question that has been and will be debated for years. In an attempt to scientifically resolve this … Continued

What if . . . The Outback X-Men hadn’t entered the Seige Perilous‏?

posted in: Collectors, Comics, Features, News, What if? | 2

By Jon Durmin There are many significant moments in the history of the 616 where everything changes; turning points. Some of them are obvious like the climactic moments of Uncanny X-Men #137 or Amazing Spider-Man #122. Others are more subtle … Continued