Madripoor and Man Hair: Yeah, that’s a pretty good length. Episode #132

*Editor’s note, Jarid is still an idiot and found another podcast he didn’t post. And there are more coming. He’s now on probation. This was recorded in February. The bad news is that we never find the microphones for the … Continued

Infinity War: We Could Go On Forever – Episode #114

  My head is spinning. I can’t even get words together to form sentences right now. We watched the movie, we talked about the movie…but really…didn’t we just live the movie? Also…I think we are living it now and everyday … Continued

Black Panther is Fresh 2 Death – Episode #113

Word. Did you see that movie? It was AMAZING! (Well, it wasn’t AMAZING. It was really good.) What are you talking about? Didn’t you see it?!? It was hands down, the best Marvel movie that they’ve ever made! (What makes … Continued

Andy Homecoming – Episode #106

So Much to Read! I’m going to break character for just a second and let everyone know how wonderful it is to try to catch up on so many wonderful comics.  I think this time it’s been great because I’m … Continued

Retro Review – Black Panther #1 & 2

Original Release Date: January & March, 1977 Story by Jack Kirby   These are the first two issues of the first on-going series for Black Panther which ran for fifteen issues in total. Jack Kirby wrote and drew the first … Continued